Are you planning to start your online store? Or are you the owner of that super lavish and elegant e-commerce store that everyone’s talking about? Alright then, this blog is especially for you.

Do you know how swiftly e-commerce is buzzing towards m-commerce? Yeah, you heard me right. So, mobile commerce is the new king. You can learn more about it from our previous blog that discusses the topic in depth.

Now coming back, let’s look at some stats concerning m-commerce. According to a report published in Forbes, Mobile Commerce would grow 68% by 2022. Isn’t that huge? Wait, there’s more to it. As per the studies, mobile commerce revenue via smartphones in the US alone would cross $400 billion by 2022. Statista claims, by 2024, around 187.5 million US users would have purchased via a web browser or mobile app.

These figures should convince you to transition from e-commerce to m-commerce right away. Moving further, I know you’d be having a lot of questions on how to proceed.

So, start by designing your app. Designing a user-friendly app can substantially help you increase your ROI. 

  • Designing a Mobile App

You need to be an artist to design an app. If you don’t know the intricacies of art, oh man, you’ll be dead.




Take it easy. Bizwizely is here to assist!


Designing an app means providing an awesome user experience to your prospective audience. It is way more than art. Your design should compel the leads to at least browse through your app. Besides, your design should highlight your brand.

So, let’s learn what to and what not to do while designing your mobile app.

Let’s get started.

  • Do’s and Don’ts of Designing a Mobile App


  • Simple theme and Color Scheme

This is the primary requisite of building a superb mobile app. A theme can be minimalist or vibrant but it should be pleasing to the eyes. If there is clutter, your audience might get confused. So, make it simple and elegant.

The colours that you choose should not be over the board.  Try to learn the basics of colour theory. A good colour scheme can change the game for you and vice versa.

Most important, bet on visuals. What looks good, sells more. You need to incorporate the best visuals – images and videos that appeal to the users to keep browsing. Because the more they browse, the chances are they might buy something.

  • Quick Login and Check Out

You must have downloaded that app, which had so many steps for registration that you left it on the spot. Or that app, where everything was fine, but as soon as you reached the checkout page, it made you feel like a big no-no.

Since you have already gone through such experiences, don’t let your customers feel the same.

  • Navigation

Navigation refers to the transition to different pages. Whether it be a web/mobile site or a mobile app, navigation plays a crucial role in determining its success rate. You need to provide your users with an easy glide-through to different pages. It should be clear, visible, and clutter-free. 

Try to emphasize the navigation keys so that your users know where to click if they want to scan through your app.

  • Social Media Integration

You can not ignore the fact that social media can be a game-changer for you. This is the era of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and whatnot. Make sure, you integrate all the social media with your mobile app.

Also note, people will find you authentic when they see that you have an active social media presence. Reviews and people uploading the images of your product on social media show you are genuine.

Even if you are not very active on social media, don’t do the same for your store. Hire someone, be active on all the relevant social media.

  • Don’t forget the Wishlist

Here comes the thing I was waiting for so long. According to Google, 40% of users consider their shopping experience better if they have a wishlist option. And don’t lie, you also wishlist so many things when you’re browsing through Amazon or eBay. There are very few people who immediately buy a product.

We love to wishlist and so do your customers. We wishlist products for birthdays, anniversaries or for the time I’ll get my salary. So, add this feature to your mobile app. It can make a whole lot of a difference for your business.

  • Auto Suggestion

According to Google, 63% of people like to buy from apps that auto-suggest products based on interest.

I can not emphasize enough how important the auto-suggest feature is. It helps the visitors in exploring more of what you have to offer to them. You open opportunities to get more business from that single visit.

  • Customized Notification

Well, you know what makes users think that the app cares for them? Notifying them with their curated wishlist and offers they’re looking for.

Yes! Absolutely notifying users by the right time of price drop or for sale can certainly give a higher rate to them for making any purchase. And keeping an eye on what they want and curate offers for users.

  • CTA

The Call-To-Action or the CTA should be clear and concise. A CTA is an instruction given to the audience to perform a certain task. These tasks convert them from mere visitors into leads.

Let every audio, visual, and text on your app signal towards your CTA. How to do that? Design all the pictures that compel the audience to buy your product and try it. Let the reviews, the text that you write should provoke them to take action. Your CTA should be the driving force for your visitors.


We’re here to help, We make promises that you won’t regret taking chances!

Cloudzies can help build your mCommerce game strong and take advantage of the above points to improve your store. Not just it, Cloudzies Team can help to retain your customers and get more users, not just traffic but potential customers.


Accordingly, your app will be built with an attractive design, flawless user experience and easy to use features. You can now reach out to your customers easily through all the possible platforms such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops.

How Cloudzies can help you along with Mobile Development:

1. Cloud-based Hosting for your eCommerce website – All your mCommerce store routes are taken care by this! So build a strong platform on it and let the users see what you have to offer them with a decent number of pre-loaded items if not exclusive products. Make all possible content making use of the creative assets that Cloudzies provide so people spend money on your product while they browse through it.

2. E-commerce Data Management – Cloudzies provides you with the features like item search, inventory management tools that do a seamless job for efficient web sales. This makes sure that people make purchases and know about your products through various methods at regular intervals which in turn creates a strong market to make more money from them. The store will always be updated with the latest updates regarding prices of goods every day as well the introduction of new products at their own convenience. Cloudzies also provides you with easy to use tools like the product management system which helps in updating all required details related to products and offers on their website.

3: WooCommerce Integration – To make sure that no obstacles encourage customers from making purchases, let your eCommerce software be connected with popular shopping carts such as Shopify. This will help them shop more conveniently and save a lot of time man-hours from browsing through websites instead of deciding on the perfect product. Cloudzies does a brilliant job of providing you with all in one package for affordable prices!

4: Social media Promotion – A smart way to boost your sales is by letting people know about exclusive offers and discounts through social sites. This can be done easily with the help of accounts on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter and G+ which will make everything more efficient while creating more buzz around it so that even those who don

You care for your sales and we will take care of your tech side. So that you enjoy doing what matters to you. Let’s connect. 

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